I am Little Miss Whoops! If I had a fifty pound note for the amount of times I clumsily hurt myself, well... Id have quite a bit of money!
I dont know what it is; is it my eyesight? (no according to the Opticians) am I unaware of what's going on around me? (certainly not, Im probably too aware) or is my coordination a bit skew...? Possibly!

On today's agenda, a very sore elbow which I bashed on some hard pipe thing which was sticking out of the wall in the loos at work.... The result; within a minute, a small swelling and bruise started to form...and it bloody hurt and temporarily ceased a good percentage of movement in my hand and fingers. Other incidents include walking into door frames (even if there is a lot of room, yes really!) bashing my hands/arms on various things around my flat, whether it's walls, door handles, opening doors into my feet, knees and burning myself with hot water, hot food, or on the kettle (I have a lovely burn currently covered in Germolene New Skin from an incident last week which just missed my most recent tattoo by a couple of millimetres)
Can Little Miss Whoops EVER stop being Little Miss Whoops or am I stuck with her forever?! For now, I'll have to keep the aforementioned New Skin close by, along with some Arnica, Vitamin C and Zinc!
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