Monday, 4 January 2010

"Headaches are like resolutions. You forget them as soon as they stop hurting" Marion Crane (played by Janet Leigh) Psycho, 1960

The above quote, from Psycho, is one of the many memorable quotes, I think, from one of the best movies ever made.  I thought it particularly fitting, given the time of year.  Well Happy New Year!!  How was yours?

A few of us spent ours in the freeeeeeezing cold temperatures on Dec 31st, watching the London Fireworks.  They were the best Ive ever seen, and I am a self-confessed firework/fire addict...pyromaniac?  Possibly... However, having to wait for four hours for the ten minute spectacular to begin, in what was arctic conditions (ok, maybe a slight exaggeration there, but you get my drift, right?) has led me to conclude that that will probably be the first and last time I intend to do that.  We had to get there early as the entry gates were to close at 8pm, or as soon as the capacity of 180,000 was met, so from around 8pm until midnight, the four of us sat there freeeeeezing our little selves off.  We took supplies with, namely mulled wine in flasks, beer that none of us drank due to the cold (have I already mentioned that it was cold?) crisps, choccie and a cake a friend had brought via Amsterdam ;) and luckily, all of the above kept us occupied until the clock struck, which we could hear perfectly, due to us sitting on a wall directly under Big Ben!

It's also the time of year where people make resolutions isn't it?  Ive resolved not to make any!  Well not any serious ones, such as "I will never do this" or "I will always do that"  Someone once said to me that it's harsh to put "shoulds" on yourself..."I should be/do...." as this can just drive you crazy and ultimately make you unhappy.  What I have decided though, is to pick up my bass guitar again and start playing.  I got made redundant last year and had to stop with the lessons as I couldnt afford the extra £80 a month, but with the skills Ive built up, there's no reason why I cant start playing again.  Apart from that, Ive re-joined the gym.  It costs so much more money here in London to join a gym, double what it was in Manchester, but Ive found a local council run one which is fab and very close to where I live for half the price of most gyms here, so Ive resolved to get back into that again.  Apart from that, Im just going to try to improve myself (if that's possible haha) whether it's through the way I treat myself, others, my outlook on and attitude to things.  Did I say I hadn't made any resolutions? it seems I have made some....hmmmmm!...Im seeing them as an on-going process though, no pressure.  Like Marion Crane said, "Headaches are like resolutions. You forget them as soon as they stop hurting"

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