So, today Im going to be talking about the Hard Formula Brow Pencil and Face Architect Smoothing Fluid Foundation.

Face Architect Smoothing Fluid Foundation - The problem Ive had in the past with foundations is that they don't moisturise my dry skin enough, they cause spots and don't last through the day or night! This product says that it gives coverage, yet allows skin to look flawless. It is also said to give skin a fresh and natural look, be semi-matt and give a hydrating sensation. Does it pass the test?
Well, Ive been using it for about a month now, and apart from the usual once per month breakout I seem to get around one side of my chin (one of the many perils of being a girl!) my skin has been crystal. It both feels and looks smooth and fresh and I can easily go out after work without having to re-apply. It also smells divine too; a bit of a common theme with this brand! I will gladly give this product a 9 out of 10. It misses out on the 10 mark, purely because it isn't the cheapest of products at approx £28. Not that cheap is good, because it often isn't and I usually tend to spend approx £20 on foundations anyway, but at near the £28 mark and considering the amount of money I spend on make-up, I have to have some restrictions, if only a few! I suppose out of all the make-up products a person uses, the foundation could be the most important, as it gets abosorbed by pretty much, your whole face! It therefore makes sense to spend a bit more on your foundation. Face Architect Smoothing Fluid Foundation, would be a good choice to make!